We made are way down and went onto our next stop Mt.Bucciana. We arrived at what we thought was Mt.Bucciana according to the directions of a local man. We walked into the forest onto a mountain then we decided to go back out and cross the roadway to another side of the mountain. We followed the blue path which gave us more signs of foxholes and places where bombs landed so we picked the high spot on both mountains and staked them prayed and took communion. This was a heavily fortified mountain top, and we thought that according to our map these were our two mountains. As it turns out, our local guy left out a few details. Details we didn't find out until we were way out of the area. They were, walk to the top of the mountain, then walk down about double what you walked up, (we practically drove to the top of this mountain) then up about an hour on the other side. Yeah that is information we ask now, how long should we walk, lol. We were kind off let down but we have decided that we will revisit the area in the future and complete Mt.Bucciana. Let it stand that we have our sights on the enemy stronghold and will be back to finish the work.

After leaving the Poggio we headed down the mountain and this was when we actually discovered that we had not reached our goal of Mt.Bucciana. But it was way to far to go back to by now. It would be nearly an hour to get back to it and then to climb it and head back down, it would be dark and no place to be. You know they have wolves up there & wild boar. Thank you Jesus that the only thing we saw this day was a bunch of deer, which by the way has been a rarity for us. Anyhow, we just decided "We'll be back" (in an Arnold Swartznegger voice, lol). The flip side of our heading in this direction ended up turning into gold. If we would have gone back up there we never would have found this other mountain that we needed to climb. We had another route set up to get there and it would not have brought us to this place. It was when we stopped and asked some directions for the following day that the locals sent us up to Migliana, a town with the path to go to Mt.Moscoso.

When we arrived, According to the locals was a nothing place with nothing but over growth and no view One hunter said "there's nothing up there" Joyce and I responded "we will be up there". After weaving through small over grown trails and a deer hunting post, we arrived at the top. The hunter was right, there was nothing up there but us and a bunch of over grown bushes making it hard to move around. Joyce was a little worried that there might be snakes up there too. Although this little hike up to the top was breath taking. No wonder the Germans took it, what a strategic lookout point. Well after what would have seemed to be a loss of some time, we felt satisfied 4 out of 6 was a good day.

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