Good Morning the word of the day was Omnipotent (Almighty) Rev 19:6 and the destination was Mt Moraglio. We went back up the mountain to all the points that were described to us by Mauro, but the path was not marked at all. Our new friend Mauro told us it was a bit dangerous as well as very steep and we found a snake instead so we went to another spot described to us and found a view of the valley with the Mountain in front of us and we sought God for what to do. The Lord set on Joyce's heart to pray at a water spot so we started searching along the path and we found water coming out of the mountain trailing down into the valley so we prayed at this water spot instead.

Pietra Pertusa was a spot that I felt was going to be difficult, but our Almighty God was on the spot. The city put up a communication tower/antenna on the peak and there was a road that brought us to about 1km from the peak and also a sign to mark the spot. The spot was all fenced in so we had to walk through some forest to make path to the peak beside the tower, we staked the ground and prayed and danced down the mountain.

We then set off to a point on the Gothic line called Romitorio (now known as Pizzorne). The story here is that a person named Romito would gather people there and have feast and fellowship and the only thing that remains from the War time is the little church. We staked claim and went on our way to Boveglio.

I actually took a wrong route but we recovered in the end and arrived to Bovelgio which was a quaint little town on the Gothic Line where we again staked claim and made our way home. There was a War Memorial to the town heroes of the 1st War, but the only thing that was here that regarded the 2nd War was a little plaque near the town fountain (forgot to take a picture) which thanked Emanuele of the Partisans (Italian Antifascists) for liberating their city. Since this city was right on the Gothic line, up in the hills, it's most likely the Germans were taking the towns supplies which were very scarce even for them during this time in order to sustain their troops. So this town wasn't not very happy and from the sounds of it they were not for the Nazis or the Italian Fascists.. Were starting to see a pattern of division that runs throughout Tuscany. One town is all in for the war, Hitler, Fascism and not more than 20 km. down the road, that town is anti Fascists and anti Hitler. Mauro had told us that he had tried to put a book together with all the information regarding this War back in 1994 and that families were even divided along party lines and the hurts so deep that he scraped the project.
Well we come to the end of another very eventful, fun filled day of listening to the Lord, getting direction from Him and others, and hearing what the Holy Spirit was leading us to do and how to pray for each place we walked into. It's incredible how much time can fly when your praying.
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