Sunday, May 5, 2013

Gothic Line Prayer Journey Day 5

Mt. Mitola here we come.  The lord woke me with the word "obstacle".  Well we started well enough, we got to the town of San Quirico and from there we met a nice man that gave us pretty good directions to the Mountain.   The day started out gray but you never know what is going to happen these days with all this crazy weather, it is May and supposed to be sun shine.

Now the obstacle (or so seemed to be one) comes into play. it's called thunderstorms, yes full on lightening and thunder .....oh and lots of rain. We spent the next  2 hours moving to the peak step after muddy step. Now we followed the directions to the letter,  however; trying to remember details can send you in another direction and that's what happened, but we recovered quickly and got back on track (muddy rocky track) and up we went.

Choices had to be made but I relied on the Lord for direction and signs. Lord let something fall on the path that is out of place. well this might sound wacky but out of nowhere a banana slug on the path and I felt in my spirit, how funny is My God, a banana slug. We arrived at the peak and what a spectacular few.  We walked around the top of the crest looking for the right place we felt the Lord wanted us to stake claim and Joyce was drawn to a big rock and sat down.  As she began to survey the area she noticed 2 things, the fog was starting to engulf us and a lone green tree directly in front of her.  The thought came to her mind, I am the Life, any who come to me shall have life.

As you can see from the photos I took, this is the only tree that is alive, the rest are sick and dying.  As I looked at Joyce I could see she was drenched in His amazing glory. We began to pray and Joyce really began weeping and praying on behalf of  Germany and the people.  We drove our stake and took  communion and proclaimed life.

Joyce asked for a sign of His presence in this place, that we were in the right spot for praying.  At that very moment  the sun shone through the dense clouds that had been covering us all day.  Then we started  praising and dancing all the way down to the car even though it started raining again.  Amen our God is the God that removes all obstacles. This had taken about 5 or 6 hours to do and we were all  wet and it was getting late so we decided to call it day and headed home.

When Joyce got home she looked up the tree of  life and found Rev. 2:7, To him who overcomes I will grant to eat of the tree of life.  We really did overcome today but the Lord totally blessed us with favor and many signs of himself today. 

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