March 18th, 2014
Our day started with a drive up to Montese. Here we encountered a beautiful mountain city with breathtaking views. The people here were so nice and the place had a very peaceful spirit to it, which was really refreshing. This place has a war museum which we did not visit because it was closed but we found a Memorial Park that had been dedicated to the Brazilian Army and Air Force as they were the ones who played a crucial role in the liberation of this city and the region.

It was at this park, overlooking the valley that we decided to pray and release His grace, mercy and forgiveness. After this we took a very small tour of the city and took in the breath taking views before moving onto Rocca di Roffeno.

Rocca di Roffeno basically was in a bowl of a valley filled with rock on all sides and a plateau in the middle. It really wasn't anything special except it was a stronghold of the Germans so we went there to release His glory back into this place. I love that the Lord each day also gave us scriptures at each place we prayed. We certainly don't know all the history of these places nor do we know exactly what the Lord is doing, but He knows what He wants to release so we would wait, and then write down the scriptures and drive those stakes into the ground. Breaking bread and speaking spiritual freedom was such an amazing life force prayer. All we know is we feel an urgency to get this done so onward & upward amen.
Then we were off to find Mount Pero.
We had a bit of a challenge finding access to this mountain but with the help from some surveyors and a jogger we got on the right track.
When we arrived to the peak of the mountain it was full of scars of the war. It really is incredible that after nearly 70 years that foxholes, bunkers and bomb holes are still so visible. We spent some time just taking in the remnants, and then we prayed and took possession of the place and released His grace and mercy, broke bread and made our way back down the mountain.

The next two stops were in the town of Vergato & Castlenuovo. On the first stop we found a spot to pray and break bread, gave thanks and went onto Castlenuovo which was a hill top town with a spectacular view oif the surrounding valley. We walked around a bit looking to see were the Lord wanted us to pray. We finally found our spot and gave Him all the Glory for the day. We are always listening to the see if the Lord has anything special for the area to pray about. He seems the Lord just wants to heal the wounds of the past and bring newness of life. He so loves Italy and it was such an honor that He gave us this wonderful time to pray and release healing and liberty over these areas.

(This map shows the Gothic line running coast to Coast. The Black line was the line we walked in 2013. The Red line & the black line running almost together, is also considered the Gothic line and is what we are walking now, again coast to coast..
On the way back down the mountain there was a cemetery with a plaque honoring the Brazilian forces which we stopped at and then came back home. Joyce had a butterfly land on her finger and there were butterflies all around us, such a wonderful picture of new beginnings.

It seems that as we write these that we just went up and down and it didn't take very long and we didn't do very much while up there but it took time, all day in fact from early in the morning out of the house to drive an hour or two away, to then walk a few hours up to each place. Walking to the top of a lot of these places you could feel the weight and sadness that still remained. Thousands upon thousands of people died here and few people know that fact except those who lost loved ones and the military who come from time to time to honor those lives or the communities who every year place wreaths. Only the Lord felt it important to have people come up here and repent and forgive and speak life and freedom over these places. We have wept the Lord's tears on many of these mountains and have felt His pleasure as we have spoken life. It has taken a toll on us to do this physically, but it has brought us such joy to be a part of something historic. It now is a challenge for us to get this done and to do it well. With each day that passes we feel the Lord preparing Italy for something great.
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