I had the honor to be invited to Brazil with brothers from Toronto. It was a trip that was orchestrated by God and I was only to say yes and I did. Finances were an issue but we moved in faith and in a flash it was no longer an issue money came from the most unusual places and people. Thank you to all again.
Brazil Foursquare Church Pirassununga
I had the honor to be invited to Brazil with brothers from Toronto. It was a trip that was orchestrated by God and I was only to say yes and I did. Finances were an issue but we moved in faith and in a flash it was no longer an issue money came from the most unusual places and people. Thank you to all again.
Brazil Foursquare Church Pirassununga

I also got to stand on a World War 2 airplane used in the war. But the spoiling came when I was asked to share this at the conference and was able to ask for forgiveness for the loss of their family and to thank them for their sacrifice for Italy’s freedom. Wow what a powerful testimony of the power of forgiveness. This was a catalyst to a lot of reconciliation work done in the hearts of those affected and I got spoiled by my Father in Heaven.
This being the last night, the Pastor of the Church asked that the people would bid us a farewell and to give them a hug, well it was like a mob. I had three lines in front of me and it was kind of cool because I like hugs but it seemed to be going on for a long time and at one point there was only one line but when Alex brought it to my attention the people were lined up waiting for a hug from me, needless to say this broke me and again I felt spoiled by His love coming from each ones’ embrace. There was a little girl maybe 4 years old that came around four times
Day 5 was a travel day to Paulinia to a Baptist Church. I got to ride with Rafael for a bit (1,5 hours) and through language barriers we had a Bible Study on prayer and hearing God’s voice, wow, He is awesome in all ways and again I got spoiled by His grace and mercy. Well when we arrived in Paulinia guess what the first thing we did, yes we ate and then slept.
The first night was cool but odd when we returned to the Church and they kind of pushed us, Alex and I into a back room when the music started. I couldn’t stay in the room and went out and started to worship and dance and I felt an enormous freedom in dance and unity. I got to share this in an introduction of the team but did not share again at this location but I did get a chance to speak into the lives of some youth and to prophesy over them. Wow in just a few short moments of contact I was asked to stay and not leave, the Holy Spirit is awesome.

Day 6 we had a Pastors Breakfast and we shared testimonies together. We were supposed to go to a Mall but the time slowly
ticked away right into lunch, we had literally just ate and now we were
eating again. Do you get the impression that Brazilians like to eat? We rested and Alex and I went to Campinas to Ps. Edino’s Church
which was a Baptist Rhema Church. I shared our Prayer Walk testimony and there
were a few people that had personal or direct experience because of the war and
were freed from the bondage through forgiveness.
Alex shared on the Seven Mountains of Society and how we need to conquer them. We then prayed and when I prayed for the Pastor and started to impart the Fathers heart, the Holy Spirit took over and the Pastor was a jumping piece of mush. We ministered a bit and I prophesied over some of the young adults, the tears were flowing and they received confirmation of what was already in their hearts.
Alex shared on the Seven Mountains of Society and how we need to conquer them. We then prayed and when I prayed for the Pastor and started to impart the Fathers heart, the Holy Spirit took over and the Pastor was a jumping piece of mush. We ministered a bit and I prophesied over some of the young adults, the tears were flowing and they received confirmation of what was already in their hearts.

I was spoiled by my Poppa in these ten days showing me His glory on the people I was amongst. I learned more of an intimacy with God as He let me be a part of His love on my family.