Come and be a part of our great adventure as we share our life in Italy and what the Lord is doing with the people of this awesome Nation. We hope to show you how truly remarkable and wonderful Italy is but also, how it is in need of love, prayer and workers. Join us as we make history while pressing into the future of this great and beautiful country that we call home

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Guess who we saw today?
Today we went to San Gimignano with some friends and as we were meandering through the shops we stopped to wait for our friends when a very nice looking man starts coming towards me and my brain in the matter of seconds is processing that I know this person and how attractive they are even though they are kind of scruffy and as that thought is passing out of my brain as I'm on to a new thoughts about being in this beautiful city I realize this person is looking me straight in the eyes as he passes me, literally shoulder to shoulder and that he seems to have a look like "does she recognize me or is she going to talk to me" and it hits me when I really see the eyes, and I turn around to Guido and say, wow that guy looks just like George Clooney. than our whole group turns to look at him and he has now stopped and turned back to face us as he seems to be waiting for someone and I look and he seems way to tanned, and now I'm looking at another lady who seemed to be looking at him, but wasn't and I turned back to keep walking and my friend says "That is totally George Clooney", and I think now they are just making fun of me and than I hear Guido yell " Hey George" really loud and I'm like totally mortified that Guido is calling to a guy who looks like George. Than Guido say's yeah it was George Clooney, now I really think these guys are just pulling my leg, but Guido say's "no really". Apparently George was going into a store, when he hears Guido call his name and he stops pops his head out and smiles and waves. Now if it wasn't George, it was a really good look alike who is very use to responding to his name when called.
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