This region use to be under water or marshland, in fact you could sail a ship from Larciano which is inland about 60 km. from the sea on the waterways and all communities were on the hilltops until the very powerful Medici family started the waterways projects which dried up the marshes and allowed communities to move into the valleys. Pretty amazing, so finding these wells was quite the adventure, it isn't like they have a map showing where these are. So doing what works the best for gaining information we went to the local bar (cafes) and asked the elderly gentleman (over 70) where they were. Amazing the conversations that are started among them and the directions and stories we got. In case you didn't know, older retired gentleman congregate at the bar and just hang out, talk, play cards and basically stay away from the older woman at home.
We would find these old wells some still working, others had been capped off, some communities didn't have them anymore, others had cisterns where water was stored since they were on rock, others were hidden around the corner and up the hill, but they were all there. Some communities had several where others only had 1. We went to all and prayed and made the proclamation that healing water would flow into the communities, some the Lord gave us scriptures to speak over them (PS. 24). We poured oil and wine over the spots and then took communion together. We just finished Tuesday which was Italy's day of the Republic.
One story we want to share that was just so awesome for us was on another Italian Holiday, Liberation Day. It has been raining here since October and since we are on a scooter we really have to go and pray when the weather is not a downpour and when we are not at work and those weren't lining up to well. This Saturday was perfect, we had already prayed at 5 communities and we were now at ours. We went up to Montecatini Alto and when we past the old gates. I really felt we should stop and pray but decided to go up to the top, to the fort and church and pray, which we did, there was a few wells up there.
Than coming down we passed the gates again and I felt we should stop and told Guido to turn around. There was a water source (all communities have them, water spout coming out of a wall or something). I turned on the water to see if it was working and a young man saw me and asked if the water was drinkable, which it is. He than came over and filled a bottle and Guido told him we were there praying over the water and that just opened up a whole conversation and the long and short of it we lead him to the Lord, prayed for him to receive the Holy Spirit, called a friend and got him a place to stay for a few days, took him to church the next day, or should I say he drove us to church since it was pouring rain. This is one liberation day this young man will never forget.
For 3 days we ministered to him and poured love, encouragement, prayer and teaching into him and than he disappeared. We know that a seed was planted into a young man who came here from Rome for refuge got more than he was looking for. He not only got refuge, he got set free and although he isn't totally out of the prison, at least the chains were broken. He has some work to do but he has our number, he has a bible, he has some teaching and he has the Holy Spirit and we know that the Lord found him. Now were off to pray the Green Line.

We were in Rimini a few weeks ago at a conference and went over to Fano which is the start of the Green Line, which for you war buffs was a supply line for the Germans against the allied forces that stretched from Coast to Coast in Italy, over 300 km. The locals told us that the bridge in their city was the first that the Germans blew up to prevent anyone from crossing. It was bombed also by the allied forces. The Germans destroyed a lot of it when they left. We walked across the new bridge which has a memorial on all 4 sides and prayed and asked that the Lord would send His healing across this land and that a spiritual gateway to Italy would be open and that any doorways of death and unforgiveness would be closed.
Love the history of Italy.