Friday June 19th we went to Switzerland to be with Giancarlo & Catherine Elia of
Light to the Nation Ministries while they did a conference for the
Revival Training Center. This is an awesome ministry as every year they take students who are leaders from different countries and train them further for their leadership roles . This is no small task as they have 3 children, homeschool, church and many conferences where they bring in sp

eakers from all over the world and travel to some of these countries as well. When we arrived at nearly 11:00pm the school had just finished a meeting and so we went off to stay in their music center where they have a few very comfortable guest rooms, kitchen and bath. The next day we were off to Pastor Tom & Lisa's home where they have a training center and church.

Giancarlo had an awesome message and then ministry time with the students. We were so blessed with the countries represented in this school. 3 African men, Martin from Uganda, Martin from Zi

mbabwe and John from Kenya, Ellora & Rita from India, Bella & David from Switzerland and a few others as well. It really was an International school. The students have only to get there and the training center pays for everything else for the next 3 months. They rely on the Lord and His people to financially support them as well as sell puppies, and whatever else is needed for this endeavor. We were really quite impressed with the whole ministry. Then we all sat down and had a very nice meal together, packed up and went to a
Christian Retreat up in the mountains. This is when the conference began and families from Germany, Austria and Switzerland came together to worship and hear about the Fathers love. There were lots of fun things to do as well, swimming (too cold for me), ping pong, hiking, etc. It really was a beautiful building that once

belonged to the Salvation Army but was bought by a private party and
Revival Training Center has made an offer to buy it. This would be a great facility for the work they are doing in this region. There are rooms for singles, married couples, bathrooms, showers, large industrial kitchen, dining hall, conference rooms, etc. If any of

you feel so lead to give into this adventure, please contact Tom & Lisa. This second link is in German but you can read some things in English. They also do speak English if you wish to contact them. So Friday evening we started the conference on the Love of the Father. Giancarlo has such a heart of the Father and delivers the message in such a loving and tender manner that makes you want to know this God. He is humorous, loving, tender, kind and powerful when he speaks. You are completely wrecked when he is done sharing. You want more and more and you see as ministry time starts that people's hearts are open for the love to be poured into them. Saturday we started with 3 meetings stopping for lunch and dinner but after each message the people were going deeper and deeper into the river of love. There were many who cried, laughed, soaked and were he

aled emotionally. By Sunday we were really beginning to feel the effects of being so emotional involved with people in ministry. The Holy Spirit just broke our hearts as people came with their pains, their confessions, their desire for more, their repentance, regrets and the Father and the Lord just melted away all the past with Mercy, Grace and Love. It is for sure no one will ever be the same, I know we won't. It was such an honor to be a part of this work that was done in the region. People were encouraged, inspired, released, healed, loved, equipped and confirmed. As Guido put it "God showed up and all love broke out". Pastor David thanked us for coming and loving on the people, which for us isn't too hard since we love the body of believers and believe they are our gift and treas

ure. Pastor Martin from Zimbabwe said he wanted us to come and give this love away because he said they need this in Africa. He is setting it up for Feb/Mar. when they have their leadership conference and he wants to take us around to where all their churches are. How exciting. We are always so blessed that people see our hearts and know we aren't here for us but truly really for them to bless them, however we walk away so much more touched ourselves and convinced that this, mixed with discipleship would set the world on fire for the Glory of the Lord and would indeed set the captives free, open blind eyes and raise the dead and be a true witness to the world that the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit are alive and love them. We made some awesome contacts and made new friends that we are sure will open other doors in the future. We have such an awesome body of believers, this family that we so often take for granted. Yes we are a little quirky at times, I think peculiar was the word the Bible

uses and sometimes obstinate and hard headed (stiff necked) but we are also the representation of Christ Jesus on the earth. It is such an awesome thing to meet up with total strangers and yet be as close as if you were raised together in only a matter of hours simply because you both share the bond of love given to us by our Father and paid for by our Lord Jesus on the cross. We can pray for one another, encourage, love and just hang out together. We have so much to

give and so much to get from one another because we are all tapped into different aspects of our Lord. He is many faceted and we only see in part but when we get together we can see so much more. We are ever learning and growing and changing and where better than among fellow brethren. As for me and my household we will serve the Lord because in doing so we inherit

such treasures, we inherit you. Even though some did not speak English, the language of love is understood. Turns out that many of them could speak some Italian, how funny is that. We met Bella & her husband David. She is Italian but was born and raised in Switzerland but you wouldn't know that by talking to her or the way she is dressed. She is cento per cento (100%) Italian. David is from the UK and they are students at the school. They received prayer and wo

rds over their lives for various things, one being for a baby so we are believing along with them that next year they will be three. This couple is up and coming in the Kingdom and we believe they are going to play a very vital role here in Europe and abroad. We have invited them to come and stay with us as they are currently in transition from the school and awaiting the Lord's direction for the future and we felt led to bless them and refresh them. Her sister Daniela came to the conference and we are believing for a Godly man to come into her life. It is so exciting for us to meet other Italians since our love and passion is to the Italians so these are our people, it's like meeting extended family and even more so Christian extended family. Giancarlo & Catherine are just a blessing to us and we feel so privileged to have met them back in 2002 when we went up to Toronto to meet John & Yvonne Pressdee about doing

a prayer walk in Italy. Giancarlo was born and raised in Italy, was an attorney who went to work in London, got saved and then met and feel madly in love with Catherine who is Irish from a very large family and speaks 4 or more languages. The two of them travel extensively in the world bringing the Fathers love and are a testament that you are never too old to get started in ministry. They were in their late 40's. They have some of the most awesome testimonies and experiences that you could ever want to hear and all because they said "Yes Lord give me more". They make serving the Lord fun and possible because of their simplicity. They love the Lord and they love people.