Thursday, August 3, 2017

My heart & Flesh sing for Joy to the Living God
Just want to check in again with our family and let you know what has been going on with us as we straddle two nations.  In September we will be going to Sicily with a team from Voice of Triumph, we will be 7 in total and ministering in about 8 venues over a 10 day period.  We are super excited for all the open doors & all the heart connections that have been forming.

We would ask you to please partner with us financially as many of you know we are in the process of buying home & this past March, we set up a mission base in Sicily which was quite financially costly.  We really felt the Lord pushing us to ask our family to sow into this trip and the base.   We already had our first guest in May and she will be back next year with a team of young adults from Pennsylvania.  We just had Jose & Dana from the Heart of David who are bringing a team to minister around Italy and they stayed for several days at our base as to refresh & strengthen relationship that they started forming on the last visit.  We still are in need of some beds & dressers so we are ordering them today to arrive before we do.  

Guido will stay for 14 days and Joyce will stay on for an additional 2 weeks doing final touches to the base, painting, making sure the apartment is well equipped so that when the nations come to bless Italy, they will have all that they need.  We want to bless them, we want to keep these doors open and make it a resting place.  Anyone who needs a place to go and rest and get away from it all, these doors are open to you.  If you want to come and minister, these doors are open to you.  If you know a ministry needing a landing place, these doors are open. Thank you all in advance for sowing into Italy & the mission base in advance.  We love you all.  

His Presence Is So Sweet 

June 19-24th we flew to Austin Texas with Pastor Dennis where we were invited by Jose & Dana, the directors of Rick Pino's Heart of David School, to be a part
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of a round table with around 14 other nations & leading ministries around the USA prior to their Presence 17 conference.  It gave us a chance to meet and hear from other leaders around the world as to how to host the presence of the Lord in order to mobilize and effectively make an impact into our communities with worship & prayer.  Not a new concept however these people have been doing it and have had wonderful success.  They aren't big name people, just regular everyday people like ourselves who love the Lord and want to see the harvest come in.  

Then the Presence 2017 conference started at the Moody Theater.  Did you know that Austin was the Live music capital of the world and that before this event, no
the presence
Christians had ever worshiped in the world famous Moody Theater?  The Lord is taking ground in every city and every nation, releasing His presence everywhere.
Marta 2

  We met a young 
  woman named 
  Marta from      Verona after they
 called  up the  nations to  pray .  We were  so  excited that we  weren't the only  Italian  representatives  and even more  excited that she  was a youth doing  mission work in Texas.  That is our heart, the youth of  Italy to be on fire, going out into the nations.  So  instead of Guido praying for Italy, he handed the mic to Marta and told her to pray for Italy.  I love divine moments like this.  She was only here this 1 night, the only night that they prayed for the nations.  
Met some young men who have wonderful ministries along with their wives and who have a heart for Italy.  Kevin is Sicilian so he specially wants to come and do some ministry along with Daniel, who sings like an angel.  Looks like spring of 2018 we will be going back for ministry time with these awesome world changers.

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 Daniel from Arkansas, Jeremiah from  Alabama
 & Kevin from Florida 

All Together Again

IMG_0665So on June 30th - July 4th, finally after 11 years the whole family was together for a camping trip.  We have grown from 6 to 12 :)
We just hung out, ate, swam, played and enjoyed catching up with each other and all the new additions to the family. Everyone got to meet Jupiter, our newest Granddaughter. Hoping to make this a yearly event. 

Back Row:  Chloe, Guido, Joyce, Kyle, Jupiter, Shannon (Kyle's daughter & wife), Lauren (Tim's girlfriend), Daniel, Tim
In Front:  Jami Eva & Mike (Jami's boyfriend & his daughter)

And I heard A Sound From Heaven

20170706_184801 2like the roar of rushing waters, Revelation 14:2 and again in Ezekiel 43:2 , and His voice was like the sound of many waters and the earth shone with His glory  The Bride rises and returns the sound with praise.  Many of you may not have heard of Chris Burns or the incredible challenge that the Lord gave him regarding California.  He & his family sold everything and came with a mandate to make a sound on the 50th anniversary of the Summer of love.  We kicked it off on 7/6/17 at the Norse theater then on 7/7/2017 with Lou Engle, Mario Murillo, Jose Diaz, and many others we stood in the Jerry Garcia Amphitheater and made a sound that went up into the heavens and the heavens responded with a sweet presence of the Lord himself.
IMG_0694 2  Many were saved and touched as we became part of rewriting history.  Rebellion was birthed 50 years ago, and swept the nations but on 7/7/2017 the Lord broke that and wrote a new story over California and the nations.  They followed up with an all day at  19894851_1388975111158096_7884409395861827158_nHippie Hill on 7/8/17 where 

churches from all over the States came with acoustic guitars, & flags made a joyful noise unto the Lord.  It was such an honor and a privilege to step into Chris's mandate and see a young couple so on fire and so sacrificial to come to our state and be a part of what 
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the Lord was doing  here. 

 I know we love California but not everyone feels the love, so when the Lord asked them to move here, it wasn't like yahoo were moving to California, it was like, no way, I'm not moving there.  Thank you Chris & Danielle for following the Lords heart to California.  Thank you for truly loving our state the Lord does.  It has cost you something but the Lord will reward you.

Home Sweet Home

ISqlhlxkyeatzq1000000000 2So as I wrote in our last newsletter we bought a home, however 1 week before our 60 day Escrow closed, the seller backed out of the deal.  We were really disappointed however we prayed and asked the Lord to close the door if this wasn't our home.  So that's what happened.  We had a peace about it and moved on.  A few weeks later we found a beautiful home that was in move in condition and had a wonderful peace about it.  New roof, windows, kitchen cabinets, hard wood flooring.  It needs some updating as you can tell by the garage, but it is absolutely perfect.  We are set to close in a few weeks.  Guido & I have been over there helping the elderly christian lady remove 30 years worth of storage out of the garage & basement and fixing things up to pass all the inspections to fund the loan.  All sweat equity at the moment but some blood as well as Guido developed a hernia.  He said he felt something happening before that, but all the heavy lifting and pushing brought it to critical mass.  He has surgery on Thursday. :(

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Before & after of some garage repairs.

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We are in an incredible time of blessing, however the Lord keeps reminding us that we are not in this alone and don't be prideful and selfish and rob others of the blessing to be a part of what the Lord is still doing in Italy and now in California.
  • Pray for Guido as he goes under the knife to fix a hernia.  We have insurance through his work however we have a $2600 deductible that we will have to come up with to pay for it.
  • Upcoming Trip to Italy September 16-28th -- Need to cover our expenses for the time there & get some furniture in the rooms for the team that is coming.
  • We need everything practically for the house here in California.  We don't even have a bed.  We really will need funds to buy things like pots & pans, furniture, etc.
  • We need handymen to come and help Guido to update some things around the house that need attention as we bring them up to date.  Sowing time in will be sowing money into Italy because this is our investment into the missions in 4 years when we go back permanently.  Plus you'll always have an open door to come and visit what you sowed into.

If you would like to partner with us financially, use our Donate button (Paypal) on our this page or 

through our sending church - Voice of Triump via their web page, make sure to mark it clearly for Missions and send me an email so that I can have them apply it to Italy:

We just want to thank you all again for your continued support while we have been here in California.  Your friendship, prayers and financial support have enabled us to continue working in Italy while being in California for our family and continued training and connections for Italy.  It has truly been a wild and crazy adventure discovering, the thrill the rush, the more of Him we discover, the more it makes us want Him.  Yes that is a song and we love that chorus because it so fits us.

Please come visit us in Italy or here in California, our home is your home.

To live for Christ is the only adventure worth living
Love you
Guido & Joyce Bassi

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Happy Resurrection Sunday – He is risen & He is faithful….

It has been a whole year since we have sent out a Newsletter so we thought we ought to touch base and let you know what we have been up to.  IMG_9247Many of you know that we  moved back to California on March 10, 2016 to be  here for our family as the Lord really impressed  upon us that it was time.  So much has  happened, I’m not sure even where to begin.

 We have been living in the home of my Italian  teacher who is elderly and needs help around the  house.  She lives in the same city that we left  from,  so it has been such a blessing to  be back on our  home turf so to speak.  It has  been an enormous  blessing for us as it has  allowed us to be stable,  close to our daughter &  granddaughter & to save  some money.   Not to  mention, she let us bring our  cat Judah.  We have  a beautiful downstairs room a  private bathroom &  a garden view.  
Blessed is the fruit of our labors

Guido started a new job upon arrival and has been doing really well; in fact they just put him into a supervisory role and put him on salary.  This was a total blessing from our daughter who referred him.  He works Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday for 12 hours.  You can check out what he does by clicking on the link below.  For the first few months he worked so much that we were able to sock a little money away and bought a practically new car.  This car was a huge blessing a real super miracle since we didn’t have any credit as we have been gone for 12 years, and Guido had only been on the job for 2 months J

I am still plugging along doing bookkeeping with my awesome friend Kaylyn.  I am now a Quickbook Pro Advisor but have so much more to learn.   Adjusting for some reason was not that hard, although my heart really pined daily to go back home to Italy.   It almost was as if I never left, like no time had passed.  I was extremely stressed out before I even got back, thinking that I wouldn’t be able to make the adjustment.  We were told we should get counseling as it is normal for missionaries to have some difficulties but it became very apparent that we were inside an enormous grace bubble.  The Lord had personally wrapped us up and was carrying us along in such sweet and faithful manner.  Such grace & favor has been upon us.

Let go, Move on!

The only thing that did make it difficult was that people kept telling us now was the time to settle back in, Italy was done & over, move on.  I started freaking out because in our hearts we really only felt that this was for a season & that our work in Italy was still ongoing.   Contacts for further work in Italy were opening up and we were just starting into this wonderful season of fruits from our labors.  It wasn't just that we love our life in Italy and just want to live there, but we still have so many plans & dreams for Italy.   I really started hitting an emotional breakdown thinking I was never going to get to go back. 

While We were visiting VOT Church, they had a guest speaker who has a very accurate prophetic ministry.  After the service, Pastor Dennis introduced us and talked about our adventures in Italy together and this man asked if he could pray for us and he started giving us this incredible prophetic word that totally lined up with our heart vision for a school in Sicily.  He talked about us going back & forth and it totally set our hearts at ease.  We really were blown away at the accuracy of the word and totally blessed & it encouraged us to kick it up a notch & get ready for these things to happen.

New Beginnings

The year had many changes for us personally as well.  We officially resigned as missionaries at New Life Christian Church.  This was not an easy decision for me as this has been my church since I was 23.  I raised my children in this church.  It has been my home & family.  They have blessed me for 30 years and loved me & Guido so faithfully.  It was a very difficult prayerful decision but we felt we had to move into the next season and align ourselves with those who would partner with us for the future in Italy. 

The church we have settled into is called Voice of Triumph with Pastor Jim & Marti Souza.  A very young, upbeat, on fire community with awesome worship & powerful preaching & teaching.  We are now on staff and are their missionaries
to Italy.  They have been so loving and caring to us.  Pastor Dennis is also
 here so it really feels like home having  my spiritual father here as well.  It feels like we have always been a part of this fellowship.  We have so many new friends our age & many young families as well.  They just celebrated 7 years on Sunday, very exciting times ahead.  They are very connected with the flow of Bethel & we have many awesome guest speakers & ministries coming through.   It really is a time for us to fill up, grow more into the body of Christ in a much fuller way and to strengthen relationships, gain new contacts & be better equipped for what the Lord is doing in these last days.

 We also had a
 young lady from Sicily come & stay 3  months with us.  Enza Maria or  Fireball Enza as we call her. 
 This is one of the most incredible young  women we have ever met in Italy.  She is  young, on fire & knows how to pray &  fast.  She got to check out the School of  Supernatural in Redding, hang out with the  students currently there from Italy, go  down to LA & visit Chapman & Hannah
 & their new baby Shepherd & even got a  surfing lesson & had her first American  Thanksgiving with Chapman's family.  She  was such a blessing to the VOT Church  youth & semi youth (lol).  She was deeply  impacted as were they 
14705835_10210704646562936_3816592872026646009_n as they shared their love of Jesus from different cultural perspectives.  She hopefully will be back in October with a group of youth to do some music ministry/workshops & perhaps even go to school.  We feel we have become a bridge between two nations and are looking forward to many more Italians making their way here to bless our American church family and to be blessed by them as well.

Mission Base ... 


We currently go back and forth to Italy twice a year and just returned from our last trip on March 31st.  We planted a mission station finally.  10 days of intense work building the furniture & kitchen.  We also got our things out of storage from our lovely friends Vittoria & Joyce who blessed us tremendously by storying it for us in their atic.  We managed to get most of the unpacking done and the apartment is now ready to receive our first mission guests.  It really has been a dream realized as returning to the USA, we weren’t sure how this
could happen, but our awesome friends Manuela and Marcello in Sicily found the apartment and made all the arrangements from getting the contract together, all the utilities turned on to being there when the couriers delivered package after package from IKEA & Amazon.  

                                                      We weren’t 
 able to visit17498516_10155164769280859_2523050202358091880_n 2 with  many people  however we did  reinforce some  friendships & made
 new ones as well.  Was able to pray & lay hands  on our new neighbor Franca who had a bad back  and her daughter in law Rosalba who is fighting  cancer, please keep them in prayer. Believing f  or complete healing & restoration amen.

 We need to be convinced of this one thing, the  Lord is our provider always and He works out  His  plans in our lives.  We had many years of  being  so financially stretched in Italy but 17352192_10155145939685859_4331620149473427474_nHe  never  let  us  down.    We just  need to  trust in  His goodness & faithfulness.  We till marvel at how He does this stuff.  How He opens the right doors, makes the right connections and divine appointments, not just in finances but in every aspect of our life.  There is never by chance when the King of Glory is ordering your steps and you are looking to Him for everything.  A man plans his ways but the Lord directs his path has become a life plan for us.  

Having left lands & homes & families....

Another awesome report is that we bought a house.   9846 Olive Street, Oakland.  Yeah can you believe it, Olive St. I just have to laugh.  A total miracle has happened for us.  Literally a meeting with a Jewish realtor who hooked us up with a loan agent who has gotten us funding, grants & special loans to make this possible.  The realtor & the broker just championed for us through the process.  We were going to get just get a 2 bedroom 1 bath house.  We had made at least 8 offers and had been outbid on every one of them.  We were feeling a little discouraged thinking this would not be happening since this is the only place in the Bay Area left that has some afforadable housing.  Then literally right before we left for Italy, this house dropped into our laps, 4 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms.  It really is what we need with the amount of people that are coming from Europe to visit us this year.  Miracles grace & favor.  I’m still in shock; Guido is like “yeah that’s my Daddy”. 

When we left California in 2004, everyone said we would never be able to buy again, geez I even 
Olive St
said it.  Homes in California already were skyrocketing & even though they had a crash, it still continues to escalate beyond reach for most people & rents are not even practical and yet the Lord saw fit to open a door for us.  We had an excepted offer on March 10th, the 1 year anniversary of our return.  What a gift the Lord has granted us.  Such incredible
favor in finances he has given us abundantly so we can stay with both 
feet in both countries for the moment.  Instead of throwing money away on rent, we can build equity for what the Lord is doing in the future for Italy again.  I love how the Lord works out every detail. 

Oh a little side bar the Lord even put the seed money into our savings for the down payment a few months after we returned.  My friend Raye texted me in the summer and told me about a Government site that you can go to and see if you have any unclaimed money.  She said she looked me up and I had money sitting in this account.  Not possible, I know where all our money is and we don't have any lol.  But there it was $2400 dollars from a settlement?  I’ve no clue what settlement but there it was.  

We need to be convinced of this one thing, the Lord is our provider always and He works out His plans in our lives.  We had many years of being so financially stretched in Italy but He never let us down.  We like Paul learned to be content in seasons of little and now in seasons of plenty because what we need for each season is available to us.  We need but to just trust in His goodness & faithfulness.  We till marvel at how He does this stuff.  How He opens the right doors, makes the right connections and divine appointments, not just in finances but in every aspect of our life.  There is never by chance when the King of Glory is ordering your steps and you are looking to Him for everything.  A man plans his ways but the Lord directs his path has become a life plan for us.  

A hear the sounds of Revival

California also has some breakthrough things going on, so were super excited to be a part of this as well.  We got to go to Azusa Street when we got back last April & now were having the Sound 2017 on 7/7/2017 in San Francisco.  Putting our feet down & walking and praying the ground as we wait for the outpouring that the Lord has promised here.  Being a Californian you can’t even imagine how truly full of expectation I am to see this happen.  I spent most my life praying and believing for this moment, so I'm feeling extremely honored to be a part of it.  Again there is no chance with God, He is masterful in His plans and I come with the authority and right as being born here to stand and make declarations over my City/State.  How ironic that I will be living in the city I was born in.  Oakland will become a city filled with Oaks of righteousness amen.  Come and visit, our homes in both countries are open; we would love to see you.

Thank you again for all of you who have continued to bless us financially, to pray for us to follow up on us.  Now that we are moving again in the work in Italy we will try to be diligent to report on a qtr. basis. Should you desire to go & visit Sicily, the apartment is available.  Just let us know.  It can accommodate at least 8 people & has 1 small bathroom but hey, it’s Italy.  Oh & is only a 7 minute drive to one of the most incredible beaches around, Lido di Fiore.   Many doors are opening and hearts are being melted together as the Lord is blowing upon Italy/Europe in these days.  It is so awesome to see.

Or perhaps California is where you feel the Lord is calling you to come and partner with us for this great State.  Our home is always open.  Please keep us in prayer as there are so many new things on the horizon.  We are preparing to start making some trips to various schools around the nation as we  look into putting a Leaders Training School in Italy.  We are looking to partner with other ministries that are already doing this here & checking out all the awesome material they have been using.  We also will be having ALL our children & grandchildren together for a week long camping trip in July.  We have not all been together since 2006.  We are literally scattered all over the US & Canada.  

Abundant Blessings upon all of you our wonderful brothers & sisters in Christ
with love & affection
Guido & Joyce Bassi