Dearest fellow sojourners,
So 2012 has arrived and with it yet another opportunity to advance the Kingdom of our Lord in the earth. As the year started the Lord told me it was time to dwell in 2012, very nice, it rhymes and held many possibilities of what that meant for us. However the Lord just a few weeks away had me read Ps. 91 and there it was, “he who dwells in the secret place”, I finally had meaning and the doors totally opened up to what the Lord was saying.
As we said goodbye to last year and welcomed in this year it has become increasingly obvious that many we meet and fellowship with have come to the end of business as usual in the Kingdom. Many don’t want to keep doing it the same old way and getting the same old result even if they were good results. Many are saying what we are now saying “I want to see your face; unless you go with us we aren’t going anywhere”. It seems to be the heart cry of the church in this hour. As we set off embarking on a direction which we feel the Lord is calling us to embark on in this nation and which was prophesied over us years ago. Plant a church and then another and then another. This city needs a church as do many other cities in Italy but unless you go with us we won’t go at all.
We invite you to journey with us through the past and into the future. We are truly grateful and blessed that you have been with us and continue to stand strong with us.
Guido & Joyce Bassi
Saying Goodbye
December was a month of goodbyes at the Florence Gospel Int. Fellowship as many of the students left. As you remember we started co-pastoring back in August at a church in Florence and it is 99% students who come from mostly the United States to study anywhere from 3 months to 3 years depending on the school. We made so many new friends and were so blessed by the first 3 months that we didn’t even think how hard it would be to let these kids go back. Our last night together I really felt led to lay hands on them and anointed them & send them back into their nations as flaming arrows. I started on one side and Guido the other, however as I came close to Guido he wasn’t laying hands and anointing them he was prophesying over them, so I passed over him and anointed and Guido finished up overlaying my tracks. It was such a blessing and double portion for the youth. The next week there basically wasn’t anyone left. Those who didn’t return to their countries basically took off with friends or family to see parts of Europe. What a precious opportunity but sad not so see their faces, Thank you Jesus for Facebook and eternity to be together.
An abundance of provision

Nothings is too big or too small for Him
Chloe wanted the Woody and Bullseye talking dolls. I had for a few months been searching for them, but they
were way too expensive. I basically gave up for this year getting them, but on December 14th late around 2:00am I felt the Lord said search again on Amazon and there was woody and Bullseye for a fraction of the cost so I bought them. Our friend had sent money especially for Chloe so they ended up costing very little. Later that afternoon I went back on line to show Guido the price for them but they were already back to nearly triple the price. Father really does meet all our needs even the desires of our heart so it is important to listen and respond even if it is 2:00am. She was blessed

Reestablishing the ties that bind us
We were able to go to Asti in January to visit Marc King and his family. They were the group that came down a few years ago when the Bethel group was here. Marc has been doing Sozo training as it is a very vital tool to have here in Italy. Christian counseling is virtually non-existent here so were hoping that in the future we will also be able to participate in the training as well. It was awesome to see the work the Lord is doing in that part of Italy and to go and meet the people of the new Vineyard church they have opened. The Lord has richly blessed them for their faithful labors in Italy (17 years) with a beautiful building and awesome believers. We were so blessed to have people pray, lay hands, and just bless us. We love the body of Christ. Nothing beats a good hug.
Snow snow go away!
Upon our return it started snowing and hasn’t stopped, in fact many of you have seen we are in the worst winter ever, however I prayed it wouldn’t snow here in our zone like it did last year and with the exception of one evening it hasn’t. What did come was all gone by morning and hasn’t been back (exception of the mountains where there is usually snow). Everyone around us is getting snow. In fact the map shows it is over, under and to the side of us but we in the center are only suffering freezing temperature and wind gusts. Yeah it may be a fluke but hey I believe. Now I’m pray for sun because frankly were tired of being cooped up in the house and want to get out into the streets for prayer amen.
New season new faces
Now that the new semester of school has started we are seeing new faces. We are already up to 65 young people and the last 2 services have been totally awesome. The young adults who have been here for a while are now encouraging and challenging the new students to stay in fellowship during their time here in Florence. We were blessed to have brother Nehemiah from the Florence Gospel Choir got up to encouraged them which led into more worship. The Holy Spirit had taken over the worship and the time of sharing so there wasn’t even time for the message. It was truly awesome and encouraging to see. After everyone came up and had tea and cake, exchanged emails & addresses and no one wanted to leave.
Our joy is complete…..
Back in October while practicing with the Evangecube with Chloe she told us she wanted Jesus to come live in her heart so we prayed. For several months after she kept asking us when we were going to baptize her. It is winter and has been extremely cold so we finally decided to just fill the tub and go for it. She truly loves the Lord. Her school teaches her all kinds of Bible stories. We have taught her to pray and lay hands on people who are sick. What we truly cherish about this is that her asking to have Jesus and being baptized is all of her desire and didn’t come from our prompting. Grandchildren are our inheritance as the Bible says and this was truly our joy complete amen.
1. Need more people to complete our team for a church plant
2. Wisdom to be in the timing of the Lord regarding how to proceed, i.e. home, building, both?
3. Better weather to complete our prayer agenda of prayer walking and anointing every street in our City as well as
4. Release of finances for gas to be able to get to each of the prayer points along the green line. (Coast to Coast).
5. Strength to run our race effectively with more discipline and diligence then we have ever had before.
6. That the Lord would enlarge and increase our love for the Italians beyond our own natural love.
7. Our ears to be fine-tuned to continue to hear the voice of the Lord and to be obedient to all the strange things
(outside our box), He seems to keep asking us to do.
8. Protection as we continue to step into the enemies’ camp to claim it for our King.
9. Still need an Italian discipleship program that is already in outline form for presentation.
· If any of you would like to partner with us in prayer please send us an email.
· If you want to partner with us financially and you don’t need or want a tax deduction you can hit the
donate button on this page. If you need or want a tax deduction make checks payable to:
New Life Christian Church (Clearly label (post-it or cover letter): For the support of Italy Missionaries)
1265 B St. Hayward, CA 94541