Over the past several months the Lord has begun to challenge us to take our ministry to another level virtually turning the tables and pointing us in new directions. Since we are moving into our year of new beginnings (8th year) it is only appropriate that the Lord began giving us clear directions which have required us to learn new skills that we are now attaining and utilizing to accomplish. Europe is vastly an untapped field. Once the greatest fields of His glory, they have been left short of workers to maintain them. The Lord is once again raising up and army to release the captives and blow new life into the nations of Europe.
The Lord has given us clear direction and vision and so as we are starting a new season where the doors of opportunity have begun to swing wide open for us to teach and impart what the Lord has given us for this nation. Some of those things are:
* Co-laboring with Florence Gospel International Fellowship with Ps. Maurizio & Tuula Secondi.
www.fgfint.blogspot.com. We will be helping them with every aspect of church function.
* Outreach to various communities and inviting other churches to join us.
* Bible study in our home
* Food bank to start meeting the needs of the poor and needy in our community.
* Working with the Catholic Church in their Soup Kitchen as another way to reach out to the poor
* Prayer walking in our surrounding communities with believers from local churches joining us.
* Continued work with 24/7 Tuscany www.preghieracontinua.blogspot.com,
* Continued work with local Pastors
* Building a prayer and financial base of partners
* Partnering with other organizations who have a desire to come and minister in this nation
With this new and exciting vision has also come the realization that tools that use to work don’t work here as well anymore. We have asked others who do outreach about the materials they use and they are all saying they need something fresh. The Lord is so patiently teaching us all some new things amen. The long standing desire of the Lord to disciple the Nations is beginning to be spoken throughout this Nation as well and we are all starting to join hands to that endeavor. Guido and I on Friday learned how to use the cube in outreach as we hit one of the Parks in Florence with our dear friend Stephen Critchlow from Ireland and Guido actually led two men to the Lord, amen.

As agreed we have moved into another apartment and out of Guido’s mom place. It is important that we honor our mothers & fathers so we can have long days and the blessing and indeed it truly has felt like a weight lifted off of us. The contract is only for 3 months and can be extended to 7 if we want. We have almost all our things in storage and have begun selling some things to bridge the financial gap. We have dedicated our days to working totally and completely in the ministry filling our time with prayer, bible reading, studying, outreach, fellowship, etc. Still unable to find work and have come to the conclusion that this is obviously not the direction the Lord wants since no doors have opened to us. We have because of the move and being unemployed have fallen behind in our bills and have incurred some debt again but happy to report that we sold my desk and a small motorcycle all in a week and people are already making commitments to partner with us financially as well as praying amen.
It has become clear that God is taking us in a new direction of partnering and humbling ourselves before the Body of Christ. We don’t want to fall into the trap of begging for money or making anyone feel pressured to give but we must learn how to partner with others who have the same heart for this nation and do that in a manner that we all feel we are doing the Lord’s will amen.
We are asking now for you to prayerful consider becoming a monthly partner with us and helping us to continue in the direction the Lord is taking us. We are asking for 100 people to commit to $10.00 a month. We know that things have been financially tough all over the globe but we think this is a doable amount. Many won’t give because they think it is too small or an insignificant amount, just a drop in the bucket but have you seen how many Ronald McDonald houses have been built with just change and yet everyone can say they were a part, some more than others but everyone has a part. Others would rebuke us and say were not asking enough, go bigger in your asking, but the goal is not to get as much as we can while disqualifying those who don’t have much.
Prayer Points:
1. Strength as the work load continues to build, and that we would really rely on God for strength and wisdom because it’s so easy for us to look to ourselves and let it get to us, when in reality we can do nothing without Him.
2. Protection because we are traveling more and more at night.
3. We will be speaking with many youth saved and unsaved in the days to follow as well as teaching. Pray that the Lord prepare every heart in advance and that we are totally led by the Spirit for each situation, speaking the truth in love and boldness.
4. Pray for the leaders in this country that they may have their hearts united for the cause of seeing the gospel preached to every person possible. That they set aside their differences, offenses, traditions and religious legalism in all areas of their life to work with one another to present Christ and His freedom among the lost.
Finally, we would like to thank you again for your prayers and financial support for without it we would not still be here. We are truly honored. Our God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory….
Guido & Joyce Bassi
Montecatini Terme Italy
If any of you would like to partner with us in prayer please send us an email.
If you want to partner with us financially and you don’t need or want a tax deduction hit the donate to the right and donate through paypal. If you need or want a tax deduction make checks payable to:
New Life Christian Church (Please put on a separate piece of paper or sticky note as follows: For the support of Italy Missionaries)
20394 San Miguel Ave.
Castro Valley, CA 94541