We set up as many meetings as were possible for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, which isn’t easy now because it is July, very hot over 94-104 with humidity of 80% so it is beach and mountain time for the Italians. 5 meetings full to overflowing and all wanting to hear something from the Lord. All in waiting expectations for the things the Lord wants to do in this Nation. People who have prayed for unity within the body and for the glory to fall in this Nation. For miracles, signs and wonders to come once again to rest on this Nation. The Lord confirmed time and time again His great love for them, promises that were in their heart were spoken out for all to hear, healing’s, forgiveness, and the sweet sweet presence of the Lord all around us. We broke out in praise and worship & dance.
Many asked us how this all came to be and the bottom line is obedience. The Lord urged us to come back to California, we thought for one thing but a California connection we made while in Israel in 2008 (again we went in obedience) contacted us a few days after we arrived and felt they were to invite us and pay for a conference for us to attend which connected us to Don Pirozok & his awesome wife Cheryl from Spokane Washington who was having some training seminars around the Bay Area, Sacramento and South bay, and in that we met Rosario (thank you oh mighty woman of God for your obedience) who put us in touch with this group who have felt a calling for Italy. From 2008 to 2010 the Lord was weaving His plan specifically for us here in Italy.
Last year we went to Switzerland to meet up with our friends Giancarlo & Katherine from the UK to come and be part of a seminar (we need experience in ministry) and there we met David & Isabella who connected us before we came to California with a group from Germany who also have a heart for Italy and a call for this Nation. When we came back in January we went back to this group in Germany for a conference with Emerson & Ana Mendez Ferrel, (who by the way is Italian, with family from Florence, yes born in Mexico but Italian, wow) and there we met up again with David & Isabella who told us about some missionaries they met from Italy.
Mark & Thomas

I contacted them, Marc & Denine King about 2 weeks before the group was to arrive here to minister to us and he brought down his family and his cell group of pretty much all new young on fire converts. It was awesome as the group from Redding pulled them into ministry and allowing them to ministry and move in the gifting’s that the Lord has on them all. We are family, we are to be a place safe to train the next generation in the moving’s and gifting of the Lord. If we don’t let them practice and use what they have, church they won’t just be ready when they are older. They have to get behind the wheel and be allowed to try and drive with someone who loves them and can watch over them as they perfect hearing the voice of the Lord amen.
I know it is lots of names of people you know and don’t know but my letter is to encourage you to “GO FOR IT”. When you feel that jump in your Spirit, don’t just say, “oh it’s my flesh”, “oh that couldn’t be God”, “I can’t do that”; “It’s such short notice, I need time to think about it and pray”, just GO FOR IT. Yes some things you need to pray about, obvious, however had Moses told everyone to sit down and pray about touching the rod to the water well, we wouldn’t be even having this discussion would we, they would all be dead. You have to trust and believe the Lord is ever active and present in your life moving you on and forward in His will for you and others. He is not just some passive bystander in your life just waiting for an opportunity to intervene, but ever active in your life at all times.
satan doesn’t have all power over you and your life, you are the children of the Living God, the God who raised Jesus from the dead and that same Spirit lives in you. We are His holy ones and we are consumed by Him. What we saw happen this weekend took nothing more then our obedience and faith that the Lord was in control and we were following Him no matter how weird it seemed or how spontaneous and last minute or irresponsible it seemed, our Spirit testified it was right while all our natural man screamed (and satan), we were blowing it.

We will never ever be the same, and those who came will never be the same. We are going forward more and more in love with the Lord and with each other. We were set freer and we are going out to set others in the world free. We are walking in His given authority to set the captives free, open blind eyes, raise the dead and proclaim that He is Risen, He is alive and He is the King over the whole earth and Father God loves them so much and Holy Spirit will equip them to live a live full of His glory until He arrives to gather us.
Just “GO FOR IT”.
Thank you and double portion to you Thomas & Maria, Josh, Solveig, Oskvear, Natalie & Catherine & Team Asti. Marc you rock as an interpretor & Denine you are awesome.
Grazie Jami, Ps. Alessandro & Katia, Marco & Chrissie, Guido & Lorraine, Ps. Marco & Nunzia per aprire la vostra stanze, chiesa, casa per noi. Ancora Signore, siamo pronti.......