We have been here in California for 1 month on Tuesday and already the Lord is doing great and might things in our lives. It is our greatest joy to announce that we will be returning to Italy on January 26, 2010 and will not be staying here the 8-12 months that we thought. We have been able to hook up with old friends, make new friends and basically reestablish our connection to the church body. We are always truly amazed at how awesome the body of believers is and the love we have for one another. We are also so blown away at the connections we made in Israel last year and how those connections have led to other connections (divine appointments) for the future of Italy and Europe. The Lord really is rising up a heart for Italy and Europe where just 5 years ago everyone was asking “why are you going to there”. The Lord truly loves the nations and has heard the cry of the people. Yes they had their season but amen in the Lord He will always come back around to capture the hearts and minds of the next generation.
We currently are looking for work so that we are doing something besides promoting the missions and have been a little taken back about how impersonal the hiring process has become. You can’t just walk in the door and talk to someone until you have filled out an application online and some of those can take up to an hour or more to fill out. Our society has grown away from personal contact for a more stream lined, safe procedure of hiring. What ever happened to being hired because someone liked you when they met you and sometimes even if you weren’t qualified for the job because they felt they could work with you? It truly is a crisis and frankly I think these new hiring practices aren’t helping the situation. Our brethren who have been dislocated in this shifting economy need our prayer for patience and that the Lord would push pass the overly complicated process and grant them favor, placing them in jobs that He wants and not what some 3 hour psych. Test on drug use or anger issues dictates they should get amen.
Thanksgiving is just around the corner on Thursday and we want to extend our love and gratitude to all you our friends. We will be at New Life in the morning till noon helping them feed those in need. Salvation Army has supplied all the cooked food and we will dish it up and bless those among us who have fallen on hard times. We are believing that the Lord will be glorified and people will be blessed and touch by His great love and affection for them. From there we are off to friends and will be picking up Kyle who will be coming up for a few days. Please keep Guido & Kyle in prayer as they work through all the normal dad, son issues that they haven’t been able to properly do, due to the distance that separates them (Italy/Cal). We had a great time with him at Disneyland and were thankful for the Lords provision for the time. We made our way from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara via Greyhound bus where we picked up a car from our son. It is a 23 year old car but has been a very faithful blessing for our time here. Our son was afraid it wouldn’t make it up here but it has been plowing away without all the problems he said it had. Hmmm, I wonder what happened to all those problems? Thank you Jesus you make all things new, even old cars.
Anyhow we send you all our blessings and our love and thank you for your continued support and prayers. We are literally here without jobs and/or money as Guido was sent a letter before we left that he would not be getting any unemployment and just last week they informed us his injury was not qualified as a work injury. We have been living here in Tracy with our friend Tom who has opened his home to us without any obligation and people keep handing us money, total strangers whom we have just met who have no clue of our needs. We want you to know that the Lord is mindful of all your needs and will not ever fail you. We serve a living God who loves us and watches over our lives at every turn. Be encouraged and don’t lose faith He really is able no matter the circumstance.
For His Glory Alone
Joyce & Guido…
Don & Faith from Modesto whom we met in Israel last year. They took us to a conference here and our lives were transformed. We met other people who are friends of some of our friends. Never look at a chance meeting as being a chance, it is usually divine and with a purpose. Ask the Lord and He will make it clear.

Joyce & Guido…
Don & Faith from Modesto whom we met in Israel last year. They took us to a conference here and our lives were transformed. We met other people who are friends of some of our friends. Never look at a chance meeting as being a chance, it is usually divine and with a purpose. Ask the Lord and He will make it clear.