Wow where does the time go. Well slowly but surely Guido & I make our way to the finish line of the kitchen. By now many of you have read the newsletter and know that we started out on a small adventure to put the very large hot water heater on the balcony, move the frig, install a new sink and dishwasher and add a little counter space. What many of you might not know is that small adventures in Italy turn into very large projects which grow all by themselves into a life of their own. We are now into new tiles, opening walls, moving pipes, electrical outlets, venting, floating walls and moving and reinstalling the existing kitchen every weekend. Hopefully we will be done before our trip to California in 23 days.
Did I mention we had a major computer crash that I spent 2 whole days trying to fix and than a 3rd reinstalling windows and reloading programs. Every day His mercies are new, because we need them to be. Anyhow We just wanted to extend to everyone a very blessed Thanksgiving. This will be our first Thanksgiving ever that we don't celebrate in the traditional manner. One family we invited is going back to America in a few days and the other couple is having morning sickness all day long. Also the tile guy arrives on Thursday along with a cabinet and some doors. So we will be working on the kitchen and getting ready to paint instead of pigging out on all our favorite foods. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you all as we think about the pumpkin pie, Turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, fruit salad, football, family and friends. All our love from our family to yours. Bon appetite